Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 17

Yesterday was a long one, about 22 miles, and the latter part of it was spent enjoying the new thrill of hilly terrain. Currently in about 15 miles from Tallahassee, and though looking foward to sidewalks and a store on every corner; not sure if I can cross the city by today which leaves me in a possible territorial dispute with the homeless denizen. A few days back, some older folks stopped and gave me $10. I guess I was looking forlorn, because shortly after, another couple stopped and gave me food. It was milk and cheese, and not something I eat, being lactose intolerant; but they looked so sincere, and I didn't want to offend them. It was a very kind gesture on both counts. I also was given an ice cold Pepsi from someone living alongside the highway. Just now sitting by the side of the road writing this, someone pulled over just to see if I was okay. I have really only started on my westward journey and looking forward to what it holds in store for me.

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