Saturday, March 28, 2015


Went to bed last night at 7 and woke up today at about 10. My feet seem to be getting used to the abuse, as I just checked them and only a small blister to tend to. Last night was cold, but my 0-20 degree bag kept me very warm. Airing out my gear including my sleeping mat which has developed a sort of marshy slime. But as I've officially left the swamps behind (according to the atlas) I should be fine. Also doing laundry. My socks take a terrible beating and leave them with an odor that can only be described as ripe. All in all, I am doing well spiritually. Thanks to all of you who reached out to me with encouragement. Looking at the map, I am very happy with my progress, and have a new route planned. A novelist that I follow on facebook A. American will be in Destin next week. I had hoped to meet him, but not sure of the timing. I'm just taking the day to renew and rest, but I am restless. I'm so used to walking now that, not walking seems odd.

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