Sunday, March 22, 2015

Otter Creek cravings

Walked 17 miles today through a whole lotta nothin. And the whole time I kept thinking.."Man, I sure hope the next town has a store!". There is a store here coincidentally, but it's one of those old country store's with a large selection of fishing gear, beer, and a small selection if chips and sodas. I thought that I was craving sugar an caffeine, but what I was really craving was ice. Or more appropriately a cold beverage with ice, like a big gulp. The last two nights at skeeter village and all I had to drink was warm tap water; even though my feet started rebelling against me, I knew I had to walk the extra miles, in hopes there was a cold beverage waiting for me. How did they do it a hundred years ago? Just crazy. So though no fountain drink, I did get a cold code red. And that makes a deplorable day, worth it.

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