Sunday, March 29, 2015

Perry & Beyond

Today I'm feeling reflective of my life until now and the people (you know who you are) who have chosen to stick with me through life's ups and downs. And find myself grateful for their support. And though walking across America is exciting, its also a little stressful for me but also for those who supported my decision. So, I want to thank everyone who has supported my walk with donations and words of encouragement. I have decided to stay 19 north from Perry then get on 20 through Tallahassee. I mainly want to avoid those long stretches if I can help it, but I also want to avoid bear country. I know, I shouldn't be so worried, but after reading about that bear photographer that got killed by his subject, makes me a little wary. Stopped at WalMart today and picked up a front tire, to hop as a spare. The pavement has worn it down, and I just want to be prepared. I did look for a sweatshirt and sweat pants to help me through this cold spell, but they didn't have any. This is Florida after all and its really not supposed to be this cold. My sleeping bag is toasty, but breaking camp and starting the day with summer clothes and a hoodie does not for a good time make. Feeling kinda lazy and don't expect to make many miles today.

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