Monday, April 27, 2015

Day unknown

Last nights spot was okay, but for the swarms of mosquitos and the semi-automatic gunfire I heard sometime in the night. But now I'm ready for a long day of walking. I am still bothered by the unfriendliness of the local law enforcement yesterday, but suppose I just have to get over it. All my effort today will be in getting to lucedale or luceville, not sure of the name. But its 20 some odd miles north. My spot was about a mile back and I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see a Dollar General. These stores are everywhere, and sometimes by themselves in the middle if nowhere. Its strange, but comforting too. Especially with these long stretches and nowhere towns, that have a post office and little else. I keep repeating the mantra that once I get to Texas that everything will be fine. In addition to being a halfway point at some point anyway, its also familiar territory. I was born in El Paso and spent about a decade in Dallas. There is redneckery there, but its the kind I'm used to, and can anticipate. There are also lakes, lakes without venom spitting snakes and alligators. Sure theres also a new variety of snakes to contend with, but I will take the trade. Its morning so I'm hopeful that today will bring me good things and great people. Or at least, nothing bad.

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