Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sleeping under a bridge

Just outside Beaumont on hwy 98. Bridges are nice if you can find one with easy access that isn't visited frequently. And this one seems to fit the bill. There's a stream, but after my encounter with wildlife yesterday, am staying clear. Also used my snake beatin stick, to help clear the area, shakin bushes, and pokin holes. The only real drawback to sleeping under a bridge, is the sound of semis carrying a heavy load. It sounds like the bridge is going to topple on each one. But I just think that these bridges were built by Americans, and the lowest bidder; and sleep so much better. In between the earth shattering trucks, the stream gurgles and it sounds like people talking which is disconcerting, but then it sounds like gurgling again. I only saw two prints, a raccoon and a dog, Nothing human so that's a bonus. I tarped my tent to help with the temp tonight. Sit-ups have their time and place, but not in the middle of the night. And I've been using my sleeping bag like a blanket, which will change tonight. My GPS is just plain wrong a fair amount of the time, and then suddenly its right on target. Its frustrating to guesstimate distances for the next day when it changes like that. So Hattiesburg (feel free to interchange -burg with dale, town, ton, or Ville; I do) is actually about 20 miles away and is a fairly large place. With a name like that, I expected something smaller. I will probably try and camp outside town tomorrow, then make my way through the next day. I don't know if I mentioned it but, I want out of this state. It is however, really pretty and I'm glad I came this way.

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