Sunday, May 3, 2015

A new day

Last night I had to make my camp in the dark. It was late, and there was nothing, so I had to wait for darkness to create some shadows. I made camp on the side of a hill and after, I stepped outside to relieve myself. Looking up, I saw the most beautiful thing. It was a full moon, so I could see the tops of the trees, and there were fireflies doing their dance. I stood there amazed by it for several minutes. It's one of those moments, that make this walk, with all its hardships totally worth it. Especially when stealth camping after dark, and I'm in my tent, the first hour or so, I just lay there. Listening to the sounds of the road. First, I'm very aware, listening for cars slowing down, in possible pursuit of the vagrant that would dare despoil their virginal property. But then slowly, I am lulled by the noise of the passing cars, into calmness. It reminds me if the Hulk, when he calls. The buzzing of the world around, while the mind stops spinning. Because of the visibility of my spot during the day, I had to break camp before sunrise. The blanket kept me warm and I wanted to sleep in. But was on the road by 645. Yesterday evening, which for me now is about 530, I was given money and food by two separate people, a disabled vet and a local guy who saw me earlier. On a trek like this, money is always a concern, as much as knowing where your next meal will come from. I prefer to plan 3-7 days ahead, and comfortable with that. When I don't know where my next energy drink is coming from, then I start to fret. And then I pray. And each time I have been answered with money and or food; and lodging when I needed it. Not only from friends and family, but from complete strangers. It feels amazing to be the recipient of these gifts, both monetary and spiritual. My phone had to be reset, it was acting up, and my contacts may be gone. Just an FYI.

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