Thursday, May 14, 2015


Sitting on a bench outside Walgreens, thinking about finding a spot for the night somewhere close by. Its too early to go anything but look and hope. But one way or another I will be camping in town. Met some nice guys on the road today. They offered me water, but it wasn't cold, so I turned them down, but we did talk for a bit, and that was nice. Then about an hour later I was offered a burger, but turned that down too. I was in tunnel vision mode, what I needed was ice! I got ac and an iced drink at a gas station down the road. In this heat, I would have loved to lay on my moms leather couch in the cold ac. But no couches for another several months, very disappointing. Today my Denmarkian friends I met early on in the walk, hit their finish line in Times square NY. I am very happy and excited for them. Last thoughts on Mississippi? It was long, hot, and terrible. But the people were amazing and they made it sufferable. I'm interested to see if the great Mississippi river is a muddy mess. Starting in the east, all the rivers and creeks were muddy, but as I got further west, they started clearing up a little. I love rivers streams and lakes, but haven't taken any pics of them since maybe Florida, because of the mud. Not very inspiring. Also, I grew up swimming. I love to be in the water, and in most southerly places the lakes and rivers are filled with snakes and gators. So much water around and no one swimming. Going to a lake with a picnic basket, an umbrella and some towels; that's a vacation right there. My sneakers are done for I think. There are big holes in the middle where the asphalt have torn them to crap. I still have my boots, but that means shin splints. Its got me concerned. There are clear skies for the next few days. So though that means exhausting heat, it also means good walking days. If I can do 20 miles a day, I can hit Shreveport in the next two weeks. Its also further north, so hopefully cooler and less humid.

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