Tuesday, June 16, 2015


I texted my friend in denison, and back hiked the remaining 7 miles to his place. I hurt all over, but at least I'm dry and nor wading through tropical storm Bill.my ankle is doing much better for the rest and new insoles but now some muscle in my thigh has been giving me issues.i like to think that when walking, I'm making strides with my head held high, but more likely I'm limping and straining the whole way.
The more I think about the cougar,  the more it freaks me out. Walking alone, it could pounce on me coming from the tall grass on the side of the road, and drag me into the grass, and likely not be seen by passing cars. If I saw one, I can react with my new air horn, bear spray, and a metal bar or screwdriver if need be. But cougars pounce,  so it's more likely, it would pounce from the grass, or from a tree, and I wouldn't even see it coming. It would be quick and unseen.
From what I gather, most people, even experienced hikers don't ever see a cougar. They are elusive, sneaky,  and smart. My thought was that when going out west,  I would just avoid large rock outcroppings and in the desert, you have a better view of things.  But encountering one here, just fifteen miles outside of a town I spent my youth is just scary. 
The whole way back into town, I kept stopping every twenty feet checking behind me, scanning the grass.  I also had the thought that it would be super sneaky to get a little ahead of me and attack when I was looking back, so I would do a full 360 scan. The fact that it came at me in broad daylight across a somewhat busy highway concerns me. I had always thought that the road was my safe zone. That those loud barreling Diseil trucks would scare away animals during daylight hours at least. It was about 5pm and fairly busy time of day. I guess it's possible that the cougar has adapted to the noise and commotion of cars, adapting to the encroachment of civilization.
I had come to the realization that if I was bit by a rattlesnake, I could just limp to the roadside and flag someone down. A bear, I would likely see coming, and coyotes, I would just have to deal. But a cougar...even being very aware isn't enough. Now with my other thoughts regarding the walk, I'm very hesitant. Buy maybe a good night's sleep will give me some clarity.

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