Saturday, July 25, 2015

My path

Almost every day I think about my walk with god and what it means to me. On the walk, I felt his voice loud in my ear, but now there's just a quite serenity. My heart is peaceful, and I'm content with that.
Initially when I first felt the presence if god, I was worried that my acceptance to do his will, whatever that might be, would turn me into a sword bearing christian soldier.

I have met so many Christians in my life that were so into the legalism of God's love that that they transformed themselves into a malformed version of what their walk with god should be. And I was worried that I would suddenly become close-minded,  immune to new ideas, and judgmental.

The bible has always held a fair amount of mixed emotions for me. It's an oxymoron and I'm amazed that book has survived as the goto guide for christianity. I do not believe it's the inerrant word of god, nor do I believe that it completely represents the truth of christ.

I personally choose to take the love, grace, and forgiveness aspects from Christ's teachings and pay no heed to any of the rest. I found a very cool website at and it's a blog that has a community with like sentiments.

I hesitate to say I'm a christian at all. Because in today's world, christians have created rituals that were 'inspired' from the bible. And in daily life, they set bar for how your walk with god should be.

So, my thing was that I wanted to walk in God's presence, do as he would have me do, just without the bible or christian legalism to push me in a direction I didn't want. And I have. God didn't lead me to be judgmental an arbiter of rules. He didn't lead me to the bible or the way christians do things now. I didn't have to quit anything, nor have I been led to.

I will not be "witnessing" to anyone, nor will I be sharing my belief. My walk with god is mine. I am open to talking about god, but please refrain from trying to convince me that your view of Christianity is the only true way.

What I have found is peace and contentment. I am a little quicker to smile and less quick to anger. My heart is more sympathetic and understanding than I was. Life is a great adventure and I look to the future with hope.

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