Today was a long day but a good day. Went out to eat with my fam, I told them they could visit me next week, as I probably wouldn't make it that far in the next week; nothing an hour drive couldn't fix.
I got another donation to my burrito fund, yeehaw! Thanks V & M! And Mom made a donation to my Mickey D's fund, rockin!
Everything is packed and ready to go. I did have to rearrange things on my cart, and even now its jam packed and I had to cut back my water from 4 jugs to just 2. But I figure until I get out west to the desert-ish areas, I should be good and by then I can figure out what I need and what I dont.
I probably wont sleep very much tonight, as Im a little too excited (and maybe a little anxious) to hit the road. My goal is to leave here at 8am, and just see how far I can walk without falling down.
I really suck at being thankful or at least expressing gratitude in a socially acceptable way. But I do want to thank everyone who has been supportive of my decision to walk across America. It means alot. Thank you!
Good luck Tom! I might be more excited about this than you. Lol. Once you are out west, don't screw around with your water situation. Towns aren't close together like they are here in the east. In a car they could be hours apart so there is no telling how far they would be apart, time wise, if you are on foot. Have fun and be careful. .