Sunday, May 31, 2015


That's a tough one. Sure I can forget,  and if I never have to deal with that person again, I can forgive to some extent. But with a betrayal, forgiveness is hard. It's a way of moving on, and allowing yourself to heal. But I tell you, there are some things in my past I just cannot get past. Maybe once I'm a real boy again, can I find a way. With me, a betrayal breaks something inside. And some things get broke and can't be fixed. Repurposed, but not the same. Before I started this walk I was all kinds of broken. All my dreams were a failure,  my hope gone, and I felt like it could never get better. So in a last attempt to salvage my life, I started this walk. And I've found that I don't need to fix what was broken. I don't want to glue together the pieces to make the same hapless shell that I was. Instead I have found new purpose that doesn't involve cloning.  So maybe I can forgive, just not forget. Like burning your hand, the wound heals, but it's a lesson.

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