Friday, June 5, 2015


Got cutoff from my last post because some guy wanted to chat. Sometimes it's the better part of Valor to just listen when someone obviously just needs to talk. So I didn't finish unspoken rules.  Maybe later.  My feet are killing me. But yet 10 more miles to go today.  Making great time probably because there are no shady spots and therefore no point in stopping. Can't sir because who wants to fry on the asphalt. Not me. So I keep walking. Saw a sign a little bit ago that said Denison, 61 miles. I spent some formative years of my youth in Denison and looking forward to seeing it again. But it also represents a halftime rest period and time for my ankle and feet to heal up. And of course to see my old friend Brian. It's been like 25 years since I've seen him, and that was when we were on the road together. It will be so nice to catch up and rehash old times.  Because if my excitement, I'm grinding these miles away, taking short breaks and pushing to get each mile into the day as possible. Today, I should hit close to 30, then it's only 45 miles, which I hope to complete by Sunday.

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