Saturday, July 25, 2015


My first payday in about 6 months and it feels good. But like on the walk everything is like water to a dry sponge, there's nothing left over. I don't remember being this destitute. It was only half a normal check (one week), and after food, toiletries, clothes,  and rent; I'm broke again.
But I guess things will get better as time passes.  Next payday, I intend on getting a laptop, and then start saving for a car. After all my time on the walk,  camping in a tent, I really have a strong urge to have a car. There's security in knowing I have a safe place to sleep should I need it. Don't get me wrong, my buddy has been great, and I don't expect that to change. But having the security of a car, something that's mine; I guess it's a security blanket of sorts.
Once I get a laptop, I will be able to do web design again and that will definitely help with saving money.
My intent is to break new ground, and not to repeat the life I had before the walk. My goal is to be happy and to live the life I've always wanted. I don't know what that's going to be, just what it's not. This is just the begining.

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