Friday, March 13, 2015


Got the Chacos today and took them for a test walk. It was a beautiful day and as my sleeping pad didnt come, I had to go to Walmart to buy one.
I am so grateful for T & D getting me the Chacos, but alas it wasn't meant to be. They had a nice bounce to them but I guess my heel is too wide and part of the base kept digging into my heel. After about 1.5 miles I got some pretty bad blisters, so I walked back home barefoot.

So Im pretty bummed about it, and now too close to my exit date to get new shoes. I guess I will just bring my wally world sandles, my skechers boots, and a pair of casual skecher sneakers I have; and have to consider other options down the road. 


Last night I couldnt sleep (surprise), and watched every one of Nate Damm's videos from his walk across America. Im kinda lucky that Im starting in Florida as, I dont have to worry about the cold. Im a big fan of Nate's writing style and reminds me of Richard Bach. Right now on Amazon Kindle he's offering a free version of Buddha on the Bus. Its a short story, but a good read. 


  1. I really wish I could go with. I'm sure you will definitely learn a lot about yourself during this journey. B

  2. Lmao. I finally just signed up for a Google account.
