Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Carl & Perry

Each night as I head into my tent, I make sure its clear of any critters. But I think I have a stealthy nemesis...Carl the mosquito. It is my deeply held belief that Carl follows me around, and when its time to enter my tent, he sneakily hides behind my left ear and just outside of my peripheral vision. Carl is very intelligent for his ilk and will even wait until the sun has gone fully down, and there is no light to speak of. Then he teases me, dragging his antennae across my skin, not biting yet, but just to let me know he's there and that I am at his mercy. Throughout the night, I itch, scratch, and slap; all part of Carl's master plan of torture. For all I know, he sleeps the entire night, while I go insane with imagined torment. ... Perry is about 45 miles from here, and at my normal rate of walking will take 2 1/2 - 3 days. The map doesn't show anything in between, so I'm a little worried. It's my first stretch that long. I already got 2 extra gallons of water, and some sodas for those days you just never know. Gonna get some sweets before I go, just to have, though haven't been craving sweets at all.

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