Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Just past the Suwannee River at a Subway. Not that a sub is that much better than a can of raviolis, but being able to sit down in the AC and plugin my phone is almost worth the 6 bucks for the meal. Some guy pulled off the highway a few hours back and asked if I needed anything. The guy looked like he could use some help himself, but I thanked him for the offer anyway. My feet have continued to rage against me all day. Actually the first 5 miles of the day are usually okay. But at mile 6, they start complaining. Starting out my walk at about 75 lbs. Overweight, I think plays a key factor in how my feet deal with adversity. But give me another month and I don't think that will be an issue. I am shedding weight fairly quick as an upside to walking 10-20 miles a day. And no dieting. I eat what I want when I want, though I'm still struggling with actually being hungry (as in, I'm usually not). Now that the journey is heading in more of a northwesterly direction instead of merely north, I'm getting excited about leaving the jungle behind and start working my way out of the state. It's still early, and maybe I can find a good concealed spot to sleep early on.


  1. Your feet will adapt I promise.

    1. I know, just sucks right now. But thanks for the encouragement!
