Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 9 Part duex

Rant...I don't think that meteorologists in Florida have any kind of training whatsoever. It's raining cats and dogs, when according to our weather people, its actually not. That's if they exist at all, which I'm still on the fence about. Maybe some part timer from WalMart decides the weather. Hmmm, today we have sunshine and to spice it up lets throw in some partly cloudy forecasts. Rain you say? Bah, this is Florida. Torrential downpour you say? Not according to the board of tourism. ...*Rant off It's time that i should be scouting a spot for the night, but instead I'm sitting under the eave at a Walgreens, waiting. I did hit up WalMart and get those sole inserts which help a bit. Got a few other things too, and restocked my canned food supply. After looking at the map in kinda concerned about my trek after the next town. It doesn't seem like anything is on the way. So that's 55 miles of nada. See, I do think ahead sometimes, for the ne'er-do-wells out there. I also increased my water to 4 gallons which should be enough. One thing I really miss about being the non-walking lifestyle, is a nice comfy chair. One that I can sit on do hours and hours and just relax. Said comfy chair has been replaced by hard benches that are barely sheltered from the torrential downpour. Ok so perhaps I'm not in the best mood right now. Alas...

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