Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 9

Yesterday at Hershel's in Otter Creek, met two guys that hiked the ACT and just talking with them helped my feet get a move on. Good guys. Thanks Chad and Royce. It rained last night and had to do some middle of the night dam creating in the dark. Seems I put my tarp on sideways. Luckily the weather turned into a light pitter patter and I was able to get some rest. The rain kept up until I was well into 5 miles of my walk today and only after noon did the sun decide to stop playing games with my emotions. These long stretches of nothing but pine trees and humidity get fairly depressing. I've got a very long stretch coming up and worried about my sanity. Got to Chiefland about an hour ago. It's got a few stores, a WalMart even, but alot of places that went out of business. Stopping in at Wally world and hopefully find some good sneakers. It's only another 2 miles away (ugh!). Then its head out of town to find a nice cozy spot for the night.

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