Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day Two

Yesterday was full of protesting muscles and soreness. I learned that I should wait til the sun is setting to actually spot and setup my tent. The first night, it seems there was a nearby area that was good for four wheelin, so I needed to wait until the darkness that would hide my tent. I decided early yesterday to get off the suncoast trail, it was just too boring. And maybe just a small percentage chance, I was bothered that there weren't any convenient stores where I could get an energy drink. I walked mostly through residential roads throughout the day. Good thing for some of the more interesting mail boxes or I would have regretted leaving the sameness of the trail hike for the sameness if backyard America. I couldn't find a spot last night for the life of me. I passed several possibilities on the way in hopes of finding something better closer to the end of my day. I found some trails next to Winn Dixie, by they seemed already habitated by the homeless denizen. Eventually, I found a spot, over a hill next to a highway.

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