Thursday, March 19, 2015

Random thoughts

I'm noticing some interesting things about the effects of the walk thus far. First, as pointed out by captain obvious, I should have spent more time looking for a good pair of sandles. But that is harder than it sounds. My feet are size 13-14 extra wide, high arch and wide heel. Which is nearly impossible to find in the best of circumstances for regular wear, much less a 2800 mile walk. But it is what it is. Second, I sorted my gear and ended up throwing away alot of food. Cheap calories make me want to vomit. So the cheese whiz, the crappy granola bars, most of the pop tarts bit it. I have the same feeling towards sodas now, though I still crave the sugar and caffeine. Mostly I subsist on water, ice water when available and fruit and of course sammiches. I eat in the morning and afternoon but rarely after. Mostly I eat when I start tiring when I shouldn't be. My day starts at about 6am and I setup camp towards 8pm. Wherein I will try to get to sleep soon after. But its still hard, stressing about people or animals finding my spot. I have this urgent voice in my head that tells me to get out of Florida to escape the heat and humidity, but can only do so much now.

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