Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 5

Last night spotted a good spot to sleep but waited till sundown to go there. Upon arrival I found it taken but some homeless guy. The entire area was peppered with them, and so I had to find a good spot before dark. After dark, I was still looking and decided for a less than ideal spot. Just off the road behind some trees. I can't just sleep in my sleeping bag here, the skeeters would murder me, I have to setup my tent. The place I found was covered in thorns, and putting up my tent in the dark was awful. I did manage to get everything in order, but it was an ordeal. I am worried about the front tire of my cart. It's worn down pretty fast. Inside is solid rubber, but the 12.5 size is hard to find. Guess I will just keep an eye on it. To keep clean, I wipe myself down every night with wipes, and it does a fair job of keeping me clean-ish. But I feel I'm perpetually covered in an oily sandy mixture. And I've got to find a way to wash my clothes. Though maybe not an absolute necessity, its a moral boost.

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