Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tenville, FL

It's about a 25 mile stretch of nothing between here and Perry and looks like there's gonna be rain all night. My pace is still slow, but as there is literally nothing to do but walk, I am making decent mileage. My feet are doing better. Still getting blisters and still with the shooting pains, but that had lessened. I think the shooting pains are a result of walking on a grade, as the shoulder is inclined. And my right foot is the one with the pain at night, and not so much my left. Either way, the pain is receding a little each night. On the second day of my walk, some lady said there was some young guy walking across America too. She was older, so I assumed, the guy that passed by could have just as well been from last year. But then yesterday a cyclist passed me and said the same thing. Said his name was Josh and walking from Tampa to California. It's kind of cool that he is doing the same thing and left at about the same time. Being a young in, he's probably far ahead of me, but it would be cool to walk with someone, even for a little while. If anyone knows who he is, and if he has a blog, please let me know.

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