Thursday, March 26, 2015


Wet to the bone. The person that developed the MSN weather app should be drawn and quartered. I'm using a windows phone, so its either that or ramahans weather app which one sports 2 stars. The app said I had till 7pm until it rained. Meh. I'm off the highway, off by some hidden side road in my tent, under my tarp, soaking wet. I hate setting up camp this early and so visibly, but I just needed a dry space. It's supposed to let up tomorrow at 1pm, but I think I will do one better than the app and guesstimate. Had a Sheriff stop to check on me earlier before the deluge. I pulled out my wallet reaching for my license but she just wanted to make sure I had enough water and such. Very nice.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure there are going to be days that you wish there was water so enjoy the wetness my friend.
