Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"Three hundred lives of men I have walked this earth and now I have no time"

Just a few more days, and though I'm excited, I'm also anxious.
I tested the cart out today and it takes a load off walking with a pack even a small one. And I didn't get any blisters today, w00t! The solar charger works nicely and I can listen to music or an audio-book on my phone and it stays fully charged.
I'm still waiting on my sleeping mat and water purification tablets through the mail and I hope they get here by Friday.
During my cart test drive, I did feel the need to have cup holder, so I bought one of those hiker fanny packs that hold two bottles. I think it will right to my cart nicely.
I have a fair amount to do, then just deal with the jitters waiting for my time to go.

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