Friday, April 24, 2015

Alot of the in between

I'm a couple of miles from Mississippi and then about 15 more from civilization. I'm thinking about splurging if I come across a cheap motel. My arms, neck, and legs are covered in bug bites, with more on the way as I walk. The long stretches are just killing me, but I'm trying to stay strong. Its the swampy goodness that's getting to me, and could really use a bug free night. I've donned my fluorescent vest sans my shirt. Its so hot and nasty that I just don't care what it looks like. Sometimes when you go into another state, you can see an immediate change in the scenery and even climate. I hope that's true for Mississippi and I hope its for the better. I am still on the fence about taking the southern versus northern route. I was hoping on stopping in El Paso on my way to the promised land. But that means one hundred degree temps while in Texas and staying the course through the swamps until Texas. If I go the northern route, I can do so soon, and miss out on the hot and swampiness. I have a while to decide, and plenty of the in between to do it

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