Saturday, April 18, 2015

And then there was one

Walmart was a five mile hike, and the whole way just wasnt fun. Walking across America is a different from walking to the store or doing errands. Each step, is a step into uncharted territory and into the future. Whereas walking back and forth between the hotel and walmart just felt futile and stagnant. I was also worried about the different paths available to me, and apprehensive about what I would find. This particular walmart had nothing. No Thing. There were no carts of any type, and the few strollers looked like they would fall apart quicker than the sandals I bought there. So after mewling and pacing between the aisles for thirty minutes, I made up my mind. I bought a backpack, and a new much smaller sleeping bag. Having a cart is just not an option at this point, so I will need to backpack the rest of the foreseeable journey. I am at the motel again, and have been taking a little break from the task at hand; pairing down everything so that I have only what I need in its smallest increment and weight. I guess I will be getting more bang for the buck now and instead of just working out my legs and feet, I will also be working on my arms, chest and back. I am concerned about backpacking it, and its affect on my walk, but what can you do? It is what it is. I really used to hate that saying, but when theres nothing you can do; youre left with what is, and what you can do. I already know what to pack and what to discard or give away, except for my shoes. Those magic sneakers must have been made by the lowest paid elf in the workshop because already most of the soles are gone. I think that walking on the asphalt on the side of the road really tears them up more than just about anything else. Also nowadays shoes seems to be made of foam instead of rubber like the good ole days. So that means Im gonna be back to my boots soon. Oh joy. The pack I got, will carry 2 one liter bottles in pouches and another 2 liters in a hydration bag. I think that will do the trick for now, I just need to refill more frequently. And once further out west, I will get something that will allow me to carry the amount of water I will need. The added night at the motel also allowed me to avoid the severe rains last night and today, and hopefully the sun will make a showing tomorrow and stick around for awhile. Now to the work at hand.


  1. Trying this again while Bill is here. Let me see if it publishes.

  2. Hey, it worked! Just Bill being here!
    What is the next big town you'll hit where maybe you can get some decent shoes? All that water in a backpack just seems impossible!
    Maybe you can find another cart of sorts?
    Praying all works out and you'll be able to back on track again without really wearing down!
