Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

The walk lately has really got me waxing philosophical. I think about my friends and family and things left unsaid. I'm not going off the deep end, but being out here definitely puts things into perspective. Everyday I wake up and wonder if this is the day that is just to much to handle, that I give up on this crazy quest and go back to a place of safety, and comfort and a soft bed. Then I remind myself that its 6 months, and its not an eternity of this life. And that I can do this. Once I come to that conclusion, I am free to walk and enjoy the day. I thought I was lonely before the walk, but man its a whole other ballgame out here. Not just walking a walk that the people I meet just don't get. But the loneliness of this lifestyle. It can be near crippling at times. And its only been 3 weeks! But it gives me time to think like I never have before. Its not a conscious thing, but I start wondering about my decisions over the years and wonder how I have been so unforgiving. I think it has to do with that person I had become. The guy who's dreams just fell short where nothing was really worth the price anymore. But now, here on Easter day, I miss my family and friends. And I miss my extended family, the ones I never quite stayed in touch with, or got to know better as an adult. I hope today leaves you with contentment and a full stomach


  1. Great read here Tom. Funny things here with your journey is that you are not going to be the only one who learns something from it. We will as well. Stay safe my friend and have a happy Easter as well.

  2. Remember that today is about making all things new, life and light out of what seemed to be insurmountable daress. I hope you're feeling a rebirth of sorts, the old man being left behind with light in the path ahead.
