Saturday, April 4, 2015


It's really amazing how after interacting with good people how there's an added spring in your step. The folks at the Sunoco were really cool and accommodating. They even offered for me to stay the night if I needed to, but alas I have miles to go before I sleep. There are times on this journey where I look around and think, what the heck am I doing??? Seriously. I look at my life and wonder of all the steps that led me to this point in time. That I am basically homeless with no destination in mind. But then something good happens or I meet some really nice people and I remember, I remember that its a quest im on. Like sir Percival and the holy grail, that once the trail is found, heals the land. I know that not many people get it. That this whole idea of travelling like I am is ludicrous and hokey. But it makes sense to me, that this is the way I am choosing to find my happy place, my quest for what had been lost, that will heal the king and kingdom.


  1. The happy place may be the journey not a destination....

  2. I don't agree for me. That's like saying the trip to the pizza shop is the happy place.

  3. Maybe the destination is not where you need up but rather a mix of all the experienced you have on your journey.
