Sunday, April 26, 2015

Into the badlands

Its so hot I can scarcely believe its still April. And the route in taking is full of long stretches. But its snowing up north, and I just want some middle ground. I've been praying for some nice breezes, and getting them; so there's that. I've been doing alot of thinking and not-thinking about god. And I believe I have found him through faith and humility. But I am a creature of thought and critical thinking, and the two are at odds. Or maybe just putting a label on it, or using everyone else's idea of what god is and what is not, and trying to justify that with what I have found. Because I don't feel the need to read the bible or be what people expect I should now be, having proclaimed my belief. I can just be. I can just walk, and continue as I have, open to growth, but just walking the path I choose.

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