Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hotter than a pig on a pancake

Woke up later than I normally do, but couldn't sleep last night. But left the hotel by 11, and headed north. I was soaked in sweat by the first half mile. I am thankful for the sun instead of the rain, but the heat really limits the miles I can do. I also have to be careful about overheating. Yesterday I bought a new pair of shorts to replace a pair 3 sizes out of date. These are also of the quick dry variety, and that will be helpful when doing laundry on the road. My hotel stay was very very nice and very needed. But also very pricey compared to my normal fare, and wont be repeated anytime soon. I expect it to take almost a month to make it to Texas. My route will take me north to Luceville, then west through Natchez to Texas. If however I can't escape the heat and bugs, I may go further north. My nice stay in the hotel lingers in my thoughts. I'm at Mickey Dees in hopes of waiting out the most intense part of the heat, then I will be moving on.

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