Saturday, April 25, 2015

Why Walk?

About a mile from here on my way in, I was surprised when a black snake snapped off the road away from me. Tired and sore as I was, I jumped nearly out of my skin. Everything on the side of the road look like it could be a snake. There are bungee cords, wires, ropes, and slivers of tires uncounted that could be a deadly serpent. Thankfully they are mostly as wary of us as we are of them. For the most part, everyone I meet inevitably asks me why. Why walk. And usually I answer, that I was miserable and just felt like doing the Forest Gump thing. Bicyclists, most of all are dumbstruck when I say I just prefer walking over riding. But there is more to it that I don't usually go into. Mostly because its not that exciting, and because its personal. Time is the foremost reason I walk. I need time for my soul to unwind and sort out every wrong twist and turn I've made. Riding a bike, would get me to my destination too quick for me to fully unravel. Six months is a good timeframe and of course, I am walking. Like pacing out a problem, walking; going somewhere eases my thoughts and calms the lion inside. I think too much and always have, and that more than anything has been ny downfall. I have ultimately reasoned myself into a corner, and walking out of that place and into one of faith and acceptance is my way of creating a solution to that maze. In addition to my malady of reason, I am looking forward as well. This blog is my scratchpad for my aspiration to become a published novelist. Walking also is a great diet plan. And I have been sorely in need of weight loss. Much of my confidence has vanished since I gained a bulk of my weight years ago, and this is the only solution that would work for me. But I guess more than anything else, or a culmination of all those reasons, my main focus with the walk was to find God, find relief from the twists and turns of logic to no solution. I have some serious reservations about the bible, and also about other paths to god. By walking and searching for god, its my last attempt to find a connection to the ocean of hid, to find truth. There are other smaller reasons for walking. To open myself as a person. To change from being someone that says no all the time to being someone who embraces "yes". I just want to be the person I've always wanted to be, and that's what walking across America, specifically walking, means for to me.

1 comment:

  1. But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength...they shall walk and not faint
