Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Day

Everything is packed and ready to go. But as I checked my radar app one last time and saw that heavy rains were coming to carpet the area with wet, damp, and infuriating waters; I broke down and got another night. I'm weak, I know. But I intend to rough it this next month, so that will be my penance. But for right now, I can enjoy the cozy warm and dry bed. My average day on the walk isn't so bad. I wake up at about 6am, and relieve myself. The sun isn't up yet, but its light out. I pack up all my gear and my tent, and that takes about 10 minutes. Then I find my way back to the roadside, and from the bushes I make a lunging dash when no cars are present til I'm beside the road, with a self assured look that I've been walking alongside the road all morning. I take a breather, then start walking. If there's a store along the wat, I stop to get a fountain drink. If there's a food place, I will grab a bite. But I usually walk about 8 miles before the humidity starts slapping me in the face, and I need a break. So around 12ish, I take an hour break. In front of a convenience store, on a bridge, preferably in the shade. If I haven't found a place to eat, I dig around in my pack for something. Usually a stick of jerky or a can of mutton. This is when I check my social sites and write on my blog. The next several hours are the worst. The humidity, the heat, and those dive bombing bugs, and I am soaked in sweat. With frequent breaks, I make it til 6pm somehow. That's when I start looking for a spot, but wont whoosh my way from the roadside until at least 630. Once I make my way to a decent spot, and I've found the earlier I find a camp spot, the lighter it is out, and the further from the road i have to go; from 100-200 feet. Then I stand by my cart for about 15 minutes to see if I have any nosey locals pursuing me; the same kind of people that were probably hall monitors as kids. Setting up camp takes about ten minutes, whether its clear, dark or raining. I cover my tent with my camp tarp even if its not raining because the tent is very light colored and stands out. Then I cover my cart with the trash bags used to hold some of my gear, making sure to cover any reflective parts, and to waterproof its contents as much as possible. Inside the tent, I do a hobo bath. Which is a wipe down with baby wipes. Even when I don't feel like it, as soon as I take off my shoes I make it a point to clean my feet as they are a very important asset on the walk. I apply any first aid needed which isn't in high demand like at the beginning of the walk. Lately I don't even use my sleeping bag as intended, because of the heat. I just lay down on my sleeping mat, put my head down on my pack and use the sleeping bag as a blanket as the night progresses. Because I'm stealth camping, any light, and sometimes noise will give me away; so no phone use, or checking messages. Just wait til sleeps takes me. So there you have a day in the life of a walker. When I meet someone amazing, or just very nice, it makes my day. Also when I get supportive comments online, it really breathes life into what would be an otherwise day of drudgery.

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