Saturday, April 25, 2015


After much thought and deliberation, I have decided to head north immediately. That does leave me in Mississippi and Louisiana longer than I had hoped, but I just cannot take the bugs any longer. I have more than 50 mosquito bites just on my legs and they itch like mad. I will just have to make a point to visit el Paso as soon as I am settled, as I will be on that side of the country. And hopefully, this path will lead me through more of the beauty of the south, contrary to what I've seen thus far. Another big concern are bridges which are dotted along the coastal route. Some have very tiny walkways,where others have nothing in the way meant for pedestrians, to say nothing of those toting a mammoth cart. That puts my mind at ease, but at the same time leaves me much more time locally roundabouts. Its raining now and probably will be when I leave. Checkout is at 11, and I intend to stay til the last minute, in hopes of avoiding the bulk of the deluge.

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