Thursday, April 9, 2015


Last night under the bridge I slept like a baby. So much so that I woke up at 4am and was ready for the day. In panama city now, and under impressed. But I haven't yet made it to the beach either. To get to the beach I have to ascend this monumental bridge, which I am so looking forward to doing. Weighed myself today and lost 30 lbs. I'm very happy about that, so in addition to letting things go mentally, I'm also losing weight. I'm debating on whether to shave my beard ir let it keep growing. Its so very hot, but how often can I realistically shave? I think that I am finally in the "now", and not constantly ruminating about my decisions of the past. Somehow, I had branched off the highway of life and got lost. But now I feel I'm on the right path.