Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Miles and miles

Just ate a sub from subway and it was delightful! I don't know why I bother with the chips anymore, I don't really eat them. Habit I guess. Now that in fed, I'm pooped. I did the math and its 366 miles to Texas and 190 to Louisiana. That's about 2 more weeks in Mississippi and another week for the bayou. The roads up here don't really have anything in the way if campgrounds and its just as well. It just means hobo baths versus a shower. Its definitely cooler up this way and the humidity has been cut in half, which all in itself is a blessing. It has been a little cold at night, but I just wake up, do 20 sit-ups and go back to sleep. I've worn my hoodie all day and haven't really been overheated. My right shoulder is sunburned, and the cover helps, but also my shirt is paper thin; so its been helping with the cool breeze. The solitude really catches me off guard up here. I sing every song I can think of, and talk to myself, just to hear a voice, any voice near me. But I guess the bonus is that I make more miles out here, just to get to any form of civilization, people. I really want a nap and a few days off. But not out here. When this is all over, I will appreciate naps and couches more fully.

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