Wednesday, April 29, 2015


About 5 miles to civilization or at least what passes for it out here, the boon docks. I need to refill my energy drink supply and maybe get a bite to eat. Still not hungry most of the time, and eat little. I figure my body will tell me when it needs something. Until then I'm happy to burn the extra something I've been carrying around with me. And I've been drinking alot if my calories via energy drinks. Manny, my cart is going to need some new tires in the next hundred miles or so, as the cotton fibers are showing through now. What I find odd, is that I called him a mammoth and now he has tusks via my rickshaw. I know, very random thought. I'm still trying to determine the code for people honking at me. I'm guessing one honk is bad and two honks good. I have personally never honked when driving by someone on the side of the road, but maybe its a thing. Anyway, next stop is kangaroo express give miles.

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