Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In the end

Its been brought up, that what if at the end of the walk, I don't find the object of my quest. What then? Really, I am not concerned. The walk has already changed me, and that's enough. I wake up and embrace life, and the unknown path ahead of me. My destination is important, but so is the journey there, otherwise I would have gotten there already. My walk across the country is not to go from point A to point B, nor is it to go from the Atlantic to the pacific; it is to find my happy place. My destination now is lake Powell in southern Utah, but if for some reason that doesn't end up being the place, then I will make my way to California. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind an epiphany of spirit, but I will take what I can get. And thus far, the who and what I am is enough. On a separate note, I didn't realize how much of my decisions over the last several years have been motivated by my weight. I'd gotten to about 90 lbs just extra baggage, to the point where I was very uncomfortable even doing simple things. I found it hard to breathe at times, and just felt like crap. I know that it came about, because I wanted to die. I just wanted to give up and hit the do over button. And so who cared if I ate all the wrong stuff and slowly buried myself in fat. But now, I feel good. This walk was just what I needed. Its not easy, nor is it the best path I could have taken, but it was the only one. There are no clouds in the sky and all I see is blue and green. And its a beautiful day! Gonna walk it.

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