Sunday, April 19, 2015

Pepsi cola

I got about 8 hours of sleep, but don't feel refreshed. I woke up to the thunder and big buckets of rain. Its still coming down. I got a late checkout at 12, but it cost me $10. I just wanted to start walking without worrying about the rain, out of the gate. I have decided to keep using the disabled cart, even though it will be challenging. The pack can work, but its still fairly heavy. And if I need to, can just ditch the cart along the way. It does mean, that I will have to balance the cart on the back wheels and try to make sure the weight is on them so it doesn't flop forward. But its better than buying a cheap baby stroller which would be my only other option. This stagnation is really depressing me. On the walk there is only the now, no future and no past. I revel in that. Its taken me some time to get to that mindset, but once there, there's a harmony, and acceptance of whatever comes your way. But sitting in this hotel room, it brings up my past and possible future decisions to the forefront, of all the ways I can fail; and that's truly a miserable place to be. Maybe I just haven't been on the walk long enough for those thoughts to be forever silenced. Maybe they never will be. But sitting here another day, waiting for the perfect moment to leave is making me very agitated. My journey is to find a happy place, to find it within and without. But right now, I am only able to find a cessation of negative thoughts while I'm on the move.

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