Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Solitary thoughts

I'm at dauphin island, in a campground just the other side of the ferry. I developed a crippling heat rash on the walk today, and it told me we weren't going over that bridge. So I slathered some first aid ointment over the area, took a nap, took a shower, and re-slathered. Today has been a lonely day. I miss having someone beside me to talk to, and to just be there. My thoughts turned sour early in the day, and I couldn't turn them. I kept on trying to think of the singular moment when my life started to suck. I look back and all I see are incremental losses of sanity. But there must be a fork in the road to which I chose or was thrust onto the path of unhappy. And I guess know, I just don't know how I would react differently. Some things are just out of your hands, and you can only do as good as you can do. Anyway, I hope tomorrow greets me better. Everytime I see a butterfly I think of Sid.

1 comment:

  1. Look to this day!
    For it is life, the very life of life.
    In its brief course
    Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
    The bliss of growth;
    The glory of action;
    The splendor of achievement;
    For yesterday is but a dream,
    And tomorrow is only a vision;
    But today, well lived, makes every yesterday
    a dream of happiness,
    And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
