Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Today sucked

Earlier, I knew I wanted to leave Tallahassee but I kept finding myself doing things to delay the push off time. And so, it took me 4 hours to go 2 miles. But I finally sucked in the pain in my feet and my lack of sleep and started out. It was a grueling 15 miles. Grueling. It was a million degrees and about a zillion percent humidity. And while I was walking they were putting out a small forest fire. So I got to enjoy that as well. I did find this great big oak to take a break under and that was awesome until people did the drive up and stare routine, forcing me to leave. My goal was a campground and I got there with an hour to spare. But little miss I ain't got time for homeless trash informed me that the tent portion has been closed for renovations. But that another campground just a meager 5 miles away is available for tent camping. Just 5 miles! That's 2 hours and some change to us walkers, and would put me well past sundown before I reached there. My feet called me names, and not very nice ones, I did manage to start walking even through the abuse. I was looking for a spot just in case, but no luck. Seems every white haired old lady that had any kind of money settled down here. Immaculate lawns, house, and left with nothing but to watch the wayward yeti spring into the bushes so she can call the fuzz. After sunset, my walk took a turn for adventure. It seems that the local yahoos like to see how close they can get to hitting said wayward yeti, without denting their shiny new truck. So we played that game for about 30 minutes in the near darkness. Good times. Then I turned off that road into a road the campground was on. I eluded them it seemed and so they were able to go back to their regular scheduled rowdy, that I'm pretty sure involves a goat. I was worried about getting to the campground and them turning me away, or not being awake to admit me or any number of things that would cause me to cry unabashedly. I was also having a humble yet decidedly unhappy talk with god about luck finding a spot the last few nights. And i do recall some pleading on my part. Then a car comes, a Miata I think and a window rolls down. An angel asks me if I'm ok and if theirs anything she can do. She even offers to put my mammoth cart into her tiny car. She wants to help somehow, so I ask if she will just talk to the campground guy and let him known I'm on my way. I also though it couldn't hurt to have a local present you in case campground guy was like little miss sunshine from the other campground. She comes back about ten minutes later letting me know that campground guy mike saw me on the highway earlier walking and would definitely wait up for me. And then not a minute later Mike shows up with his truck to help me lug my cart a me faster to my camp spot. So freakin awesome! They were both so nice and helpful, and maybe I did cry a manly tear if thankfulness but only one. I am showered and in bag and tent looking toward a nice day tomorrow.

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