Thursday, April 2, 2015


At Hall Landing at Lake Talquin and will probably stay for a few days. My feet are in sore shape and can use some time off. Aired out my bag and doing laundry, and mostly just sitting and not walking. Met a maintenance guy for the county named Frank, a real articulate and friendly guy. We talked awhile and he gave me some friendly advice about staying off hwy 20 at night. He also gave me a memorable quote... "the difference between an ephiphanous experience and a disastrous one is sometimes three steps". I am happy to just rest and relax for a change. Walking across America is a full time experience that even when you're not actively walking, can be very stressful and tiring. I've earned a few days on the proverbial couch, and I intend to get the most of my R&R. Too bad there are gators in the lake, I would really enjoy a swim right about now.

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