Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 60

So two months today have passed since I started this journey. Alot has changed for me. My feet are hardened, because I don't get blisters anymore. Even the. Normal soreness of walking 15-20 miles a day is greatly diminished. Finding a good campsite is not the fear it once was. There I still anticipation and annoyance, but its no longer a great anxiety weighing me down through the day. I have gotten used to the aroma of wearing week old laundry and bathing very infrequently. And I have found god and have the faith to follow him. There have been so really bad days, and some beautiful pristine moments. Mostly there has been alot of in between and soul searching. I have also lost at least 45 lbs. I'm just guessing based on the looseness of my shorts. But all and all, there has been change for the better. And for that I'm grateful. I'm also grateful for all of you following and supporting me on this trek. Thank you!

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