Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I've been thinking about my past relationships today. No wonder I'm depressed huh? I'm 46, been married twice and with my other relationships, still haven't found a fairytale union. I know I'm a guy, but what I mean is a completely complimentary relationship. Someone that completes you. And something that lasts. And though I have preferences, I really have no idea what that would be. I wanted kids early on, and thus far haven't been able to have any. Now, its a little late and I've come to terms with it. But my life is only half full without someone to share it with. I don't feel empty, but there's a certain satisfying taste, flavor that's missing. Like everyday is food without salt or sugar. Some food is great, but could definitely be better. This is probably the first time in my life I have felt a completeness of self, so that life by itself sustains me. Where the beauty if just living is enough. I guess it would just be nice to have the sugar on top though. To be fulfilled and happy to its fullness.

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