Thursday, May 7, 2015

Did I mention its hot?

Cause wow! Sitting in the shade and soaking, dripping great gabules of sweat isn't pleasant. I made a decisive break for the woods, and now just sitting, waiting to see if anyone cares. I heard engines nearby, but will just wait and see. Seems an old family friend passed me on the road, but was working so couldn't stop. I wasn't aware of anyone that lived here roundabouts, but I have been out of the loop for awhile. It's just nice knowing someone in the area. The rains that were headed this way with a vengeance, broke off and dissipated about 50 miles from here, and that is great! I really have no idea how I'm going to combat the heat. I'm definitely getting an early start, so that by 11, I will have made some miles. And today was only 85, tomorrow its supposed to be 90! Once I get to Alexandria, I will be heading northwest into a hopefully cooler hemisphere, but until then I expect there will be plenty of suffering. I am so thankful to the local folks that brought me cold drinks. They really went out of their way makes me feel great!

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