Wednesday, May 13, 2015


But still moving. So I guess that's something. Bugs have been dive bombing my face all day to add to all the fun. I guess they go for the brightest flower out there, and since none are available, my bright white hair, or bright straw hat draws them in like honey. Wearing my bandana seems to be only a slight deterrent. I'm listening to my mp3 player in hopes of distracting my mood. I just wish I had better times on it, something uplifting. It's mostly hard and fast like the smashing pumpkins and mcr, where what I need are a nice acoustic 60s and 70s kind of thing. I have a few like that, but not many. Only 2 songs from csn&y and some reo speedwagon. If I can get a decent wifi, may try and get something. Regardless of my mood, I'm still on schedule provided I can make Dallas, or north of there in the next 3 weeks. That marks my halfway point to Utah and 2.5 months goal is lake Powell at 5 months.

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