Wednesday, May 13, 2015


The rain clouds are out but I'm walkin. At 84 and its nice to be off that two lane road. Yesterday really took alot out of me and today I'm just trying to scrape together the energy to move. I'm back to the worn down sneakers in hopes of avoiding shin splints today. But they are not comfortable and affect my walk. I think that until I get new shoes, the better course of valor is to take it easy. That means longer on the same road, longer til Texas, but hopefully in better shape if not spirit. I am feeling down and really resisting the urge to quit. Each day seems to flow together into a single blah. I found god, which was the primary mission of this trek. Sure there are other goals, and I know they are important. I'm just losing focus. It's been almost two months and I'm still in the south, my least favorite place in the world. Though pretty in some ways. Not my kind of beauty. And everyday is hard. Hard on the body and spirit. But I will keep walking, because what else do you do in the middle of the forest?

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