Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Made it to Bude

Pronounced like imbued vs rude, for anyone who cares. Todays journey was odd. The landscape changed really suddenly, and very quickly the side of the road changed into deep chasms. At first I thought they were sink holes, but they're everywhere. So it made walking fun. To know that a few missteps and I would be plummeting down 50 feet. About 8 miles back, my shin splints got realm bad. I stopped and rested and massaged my shin, and then got up to finish my miles but the pain was worse. Worse as in wayy wayy worse. I was in a residential area, well, residential rural; and just pushed thru it. It was miserable and I couldn't really stop for fear the pain would cone back. It eased a little as I walked. I'm actually outside Bude, there's a dry riverbed under the bridge. And I'm under the bridge too. The storm clouds are menacing and though I had the pick of a few spots not deep in a ravine, I chose the bridge because I wanted to continue to stay dry. Peace out!

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