Thursday, May 7, 2015

Every step

Of the way is a new experience in a brand new kind of hot. I guess mornings will be my new best friend, because I can barely move much less hike this walk. Thankfully a guy stopped to where I wad sitting and gave me some cokes a cup of ice and some leftover chicken. It was divine. I just can't make the mikes though, and have to worry constantly about overheating. So its, walk a mile or so, then rest the entire way. Makes me wish I had invested in a camelback or something that could hold a cold drink without it being scalding hot, by early afternoon. My legs feel like lead and the rest of me, like a weight pressing in on me. I grew up in Florida and don't remember it being like this. Long endless hills, no shoulder to walk on and now a pervasive heat that makes me want to vomit. I've only a few more miles in me today.

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