Monday, May 18, 2015

Got bit

The bridge I was under didn't even a little keep out the rain. It was gushing in from all sides. And I had to secure the cart as best I could from the rain. Then I grabbed a few things and scurried up the steep slope to the armpit of the bridge. While doing so I got bit by something. Soon my lower lip was numb and swelling. I took some Benadryl, but was worried about it. Worried it might be a poisonous spider. I checked the internet and didn't really find anything. But texting a friend really helped and was able to calm down. I pitched my tent in the small of the bridge and went to sleep. This morning, my lip is still numb but not as swollen. I'm still far away from anything, so will just walk and hope and pray that it heals. At least its not a brown recluse or black widow, that's a trip ender in the worst way.

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